
Showing posts from June, 2021

Last but not least: Sustainable Development Goal 17

This is a shout-out to the Sustainable Development Goal I feel like people most overlook: number 17, "partnerships for the goals." If you're not familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , they're a list of 17 interlocking global goals of better living for the planet. The United Nations set up a ton of specific targets to be reached around the world by 2030, and they were officially adopted by 193 countries in 2015. Goal 17, at the very end of the list, isn't quite as straightforward as many of the others. I know that personally, as a Model United Nations delegate, this is the goal I ignore most often. My peers and I seem to find climate change and gender equality resolutions more exciting.  "None of the other SDGs can be achieved without achieving SDG 17, because this SDG is highly linked to all the other 16 SDGs." - Naduni Kalungalla Naduni Kalungalla, a Model UN delegate in Sri Lanka, has had a similar experience.  "SDG 17 is actual...